Maverick Smiles
Smiling because he’s next to his food dispenser aka Grandma 👵🏼 LOL! 😂   submitted by   /u/Nomnommacarons   to   r/PuppySmiles [link]   [comments]
Smiling because he’s next to his food dispenser aka Grandma 👵🏼 LOL! 😂   submitted by   /u/Nomnommacarons   to   r/PuppySmiles [link]   [comments] My childhood dog who's 8 years old was outside using the bathroom in our fenced in yard when he started crying, I ran and saw a buck with antlers charged him and left him with a giant hole on his side. There was blood everywhere and it was so terrifying. They ran test and Thank God he will live there's no eternal bleeding but this surgery costed my mom 3k and were not a wealthy family by any means. I don't know how else to support my boy and my mom be
  submitted by   /u/DopamineJunkie1945   to   r/DOG [link]   [comments]
  submitted by   /u/Specialist-Suit-2167   to   r/dogpictures [link]   [comments]
  submitted by   /u/Mdx123   to   r/dogpictures [link]   [comments]
  submitted by   /u/leatherchildc   to   r/DOG [link]   [comments]
I have acquired this young man. He’s very nice. Kind of dumb and uncoordinated.   submitted by   /u/Fantastic_Bus_5220   to   r/DOG [link]   [comments]
  submitted by   /u/big_beyer   to   r/PuppySmiles [link]   [comments]
This is Henry he is 2 now this December! He is one of the most loving dogs i have ever had in my life. He's a 60lb lap dog who just loves to be directly on top of you. Like a weighted blanket. I think he is some kind basset blood hound beagle? Mix. He was a brave boy and got his nails trimmed tonight, also got a pup cup from burger King on the ride back. Just wanted to share my guy because hes 2 now, it's crazy how fast they grow up.   submitted by   /u/GuiltyCrab4  
  submitted by   /u/HighBCFM   to   r/DOG [link]   [comments]
  submitted by   /u/ntm69   to   r/dogpictures [link]   [comments]
  submitted by   /u/HeyBuddyItsMeDad   to   r/PuppySmiles [link]   [comments]
He’s just a handsome fella   submitted by   /u/jmash126   to   r/dogpictures [link]   [comments]
  submitted by   /u/Thepicklefry   to   r/dogpictures [link]   [comments]
  submitted by   /u/sprinklywinks   to   r/DOG [link]   [comments]
  submitted by   /u/tomyriz   to   r/dogpictures [link]   [comments]
  submitted by   /u/Willing-Mulberry04   to   r/DOG [link]   [comments]
Hit black ice 350 miles away from home. I’m glad the fence post we rolled over pierced my window and not hers. She let the medics work on me, but she wouldn’t leave my side. She sustained mild injuries, but since she’s made of steel she was mostly just sore for several days. The thought of her waiting for me kept me motivated during my recovery. Being reunited was very emotional for both of us. I didn’t know that dogs could cry tears!   submitted by   /u/evewassetup   to 
  submitted by   /u/Lanky_Restaurant_482   to   r/DOG [link]   [comments]
  submitted by   /u/ShikWolf   to   r/PuppySmiles [link]   [comments]